Rule Description
Rule Code: AWS-R-Cache-03
Identify any pending ElastiCache Reserved Cache Nodes (RCNs) available within your AWS account.
A payment-pending ElastiCache RCN purchase is a reservation purchase that the payment for your RI was unsuccessful. It maintains the "payment-pending" status long after the initial purchase attempt.
Audit / Verification
Step 01: Login to the AWS Management Console.

Step 02: Navigate to ElastiCache dashboard, under ElastiCache Dashboard, click Reserved Nodes.
Clicking the configuration icon from the right menu to open the dashboard Show/Hide Columns.

Inside the Show/Hide Columns dialog box, select Status checkbox:

then click Save to apply the changes.
Step 03: On the Reserved Cache Nodes listing page, check the status value displayed for each RCN within the Status column to determine if one or more ElastiCache RCNs have the current status set to payment-pending.
Step 04: Switch to the other AWS regions and follow the same above audit process.