
Mirale Song
Checks your usage of RDS and provides recommendations on purchase of Reserved Instances to help reduce costs incurred from using RDS On-Demand.
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A significant part of using AWS involves balancing your Reserved Instance (RI) usage and your On-Demand instance usage. We provide recommendations on which RIs will help reduce costs incurred from using On-Demand instances. AWS generates these recommendations by analyzing your On-Demand usage for the past 30 days, and then categorizing the usage into eligible categories...
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Identify and remove any unused AWS WorkSpaces instances available within your AWS account. An AWS WorkSpaces instance is considered unused if has 0 known user connections registered within the past 30 days.
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Identify any pending Amazon Redshift Reserved Nodes (RNs) available within your account. A payment-pending Redshift RN purchase is a reservation purchase that can't be fully processed due to issues with the AWS account payment method, that maintains the "payment-pending" status long after the initial purchase attempt.
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Identify any failed Amazon Redshift Reserved Nodes (RNs) available within your account. A failed Redshift RN is an unsuccessful reservation that received the "payment-failed" status after the purchase payment processing failed.
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Checks your usage of RedShift and provides recommendations on purchase of Reserved Nodes to help reduce costs incurred from using RedShift On-Demand.
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Ensure that all your AWS Redshift Reserved Nodes (RN) have corresponding database nodes running within the same account or within any AWS accounts members of an AWS Organization (if there is one created). A corresponding database node is a running Redshift node that matches the reservation parameters such as Region and Node Type.
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Identify any failed Amazon Elasticsearch (ES) Reserved Instances available within your AWS account. A failed AWS ES RI is an unsuccessful reservation that receives the "payment-failed" status during the purchasing process.
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Identify any pending Amazon Elasticsearch (ES) Reserved Instances available in your AWS account. A pending AWS Elasticsearch Reserved Instance is an incomplete reservation that receives the "payment-pending" status during the purchasing process due to issues with the payment method used by the AWS customer.
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Checks your usage of Elasticsearch and provides recommendations on purchase of Reserved Instances to help reduce costs incurred from using Elasticsearch On-Demand.
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