
Cloud Automation

After having data in to mysql database as below Then, we want to store data to Cloud-Storage, then load data to Big-query Then, we can configure for deployment template Then, we can finish launching big-query template
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Once you completely provision the database, you can connect to the database Azure as below Then, we can connect to the Portgres database by using Dbeaver Then, we click button OK, finally we can click button Finish that connect to portgres database
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Once you completely provision the database, you can connect the database as below Then, we can use Dbeaver for connect to portgres database that we created before. Then, we click the button OK after the test connection Note: with Postgres database that wants to add public ip firstly, we can add public ip by flow...
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AWS EKS We input the email that want to receive information about accesskey and secret accesskey after deploying EKS template as blow After deployed the EKS template, you can recieve information IAM throw your email Once you completely provision the Kubernetes Engine success, you can view the output as below: Window Firstly, we can install...
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Once you completely provision the AKS, you can connect to AKS Azure as below: Then, we go to the folder containing the azure-kubectl, for example, cd Windows For Windows users, you can open the PowerShell, then install it locally using the command:# az aks install-cli Then, we login to the azure by command line...
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Once you completely provision WordPress, you can connect to the WordPress as below Then, we can connect to the WordPress by the URL from the output Then, we can connect to the WordPress Then, we can connect to the database of WordPressThen, we open the MySQL workbench, and then click the button '+' Then, we...
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Once you completely provision the lamp stack, you can connect to the lamp stack as below Then, we can connect the VM by use the script output Then, we can refer ‘’ for connecting to the VMThen, we can get the URL from the template output for get more information about PHP Then, we can...
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Once you completely provision the Kubernetes Engine success, you can view the output as below: Then, we can connect to the Kubernetes Engine by accessing URL that we can get from the output: Finally, we are able to connect to the Kubernetes Engine as below: Note, we should log in to the project on the...
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Once you completely provision the load balancing, you can connect to the load balancing as below Then, we can connect to the load balancing by URL that we can get from the output Finally, we can connect to the load balancing Note, we should log in to the project on the GCP before opening the...
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Once you completely provision the VM, you can connect to the VM as below First, we can download the file pem at Windows For Windows users, we can copy the file pem to folder ~/.ssh/ Then, we can go to command line And then, we can run the ssh script that can connect to VM,...
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