This tutorial shows steps to write and execute a script in Linux using the Terminal app.
I/ Steps resize VM by executing a script in Linux
The procedure is as follows:
1.Open the terminal app by clicking on SSH button in Connect column for each VM on page detail service VM Underutilized
Firstly, we can install azure cli at
Then, we can login to azure by command line
az login

az account set --subscription <subscriptionId>
<bổ sung ảnh khi làm xong FE>
2. With OS compatibility of Instance is Linux or Suse Linux or Red hat, you create a file .sh the following code:
az disk update --name $diskName \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--size-gb $vmSize
3. Execute the command to support resize t using the following code:
nano <file_name>.sh
With: < file_name >: File name created in step 2
Then, we copy code in step 2 to the sh file
4. Execute resize instance with command:
sh %diskName %resourceGroup %vmSize
diskName: param that is the name of the disk on the VM
resourceGroup: param that is the resource contains VM
vmSize: param that is the size we want to update for VM
E.g: You can run the script to update VM as below
sh vm-resize-23_disk1_0668217cb23b46eeae2df3e07a49cf13 rg-vm-resize-23 100

Then, we can check size of the VM

II/ Steps delete VM by executing a script in Linux
The procedure is as follows:
1.You create a file .sh the following code:
az vm delete --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $vmName --yes
2. Run the script with the format:
nano <file_name>.sh (COPY CODE IN STEP 1)
then, press Enter
Run command delete VM with format:
sh <file_name>.sh %resourceGroup %vmName
file_name: File created in step 1
resourceGroup: param that is the resource contains VM
vmSize: param that is the size we want to update for our VM
For example:
sh rg-vm-resize-23 vm-resize-23

Note: If we have multi-subscription, we should set the default subscription by command line as below
az account set --subscription <subscriptionId>