CloudSuite One – Release Note

To take full advantage of CloudSuite One's latest features, enhancements, and important security patches, and to get end-of-life announcements, check out product release notes.

CloudSuite One v2.2.0 Release - March 16, 2023

ApplicationRelease version
FE & BECloud Identity2.1.0
FE&BECloud Expense1.1.7
FE&BECloud Ops1.1.0
FEDashboard & Resource2.1.1
FE&BECloud Safe2.0.2

Added features

  1. Cloud Identity v2.1.0

Change view detail of Cloud account GCP #3005

Update FE Multiple Regions AWS Cloud account #3016

2. Cloud Ops v1.1.0

Change UI View detail template json in Detail catalog #2994

Service Catalog: add template static & dynamic Terraform (GCP)

Change mess "Pop-up" display to mess "notification" #3000

Virtual machine: Add for cloud account GCP

Update UI Virtual machine #2937

3. Cloud Safe v2.0.2

Delete used investigate queues  #2941

Add the all resources to the trending dashboard #2960

4. Cloud Expense v1.1.7

Remove mode = "Accumulated" #3008

Change default Billing report of cloud account #3015

Add button "Reactive" resource When user don't want to remind or ignore #3036

Build Log check the expenses on the dev environment

Changed logic to show expenses on the 1st & 2nd of every month #3012

Refactor setting policy of each BU #3074

Update time check threshold of bugdet alert is 4h

Defect: Fix bug underfine detail Policy. Cause: Change API cloud account from API public to API internal on app Identity. Due to error call API cloud account on app Expense.

5. Cloud Identity v2.1.0

Change view detail of Cloud account GCP #3005

Update FE Multiple Regions AWS Cloud account #3016

Update permission for API lack vs remove api not use

6. Portal Dashboard & Resource v2.1.1

Tagging update #2944

Change navigation menu #2987

Add the all resources to the trending dashboard #2960

Update resource FE #2938


  1. Cloud Ops

Button [Start/Stop/Restart] is not active #2913

Wrong the Status of Instance on the Virtual Machine #2910

Fix UI of Create Service Catalog/Deployment/ShareTemplate screen #2884

Shared template with all companies (Type = Public) #2906

Show error message when user inputs [Tag key] in the launch service catalog screen #2998

Show wrong the message when the user uploads wrong the format of the file upload #2999

Fix UI of Create Service Catalog/Deployment/ShareTemplate screen #2884

Can launch service catalog with the deployment name that already exists. #3002

Re-order VM list #2936

Doesn't show the reason for the launch failure of the service catalog on the detail of the deployment screen. #2986

Fix notification #3054

2. Cloud Expense

Error display current BU chose When user refresh page #2655

Show error message when user chooses [Accumulated] and [Daily] #3007

Collect incorrect data in underutilized screen #3034

Fix start time of auto tag mapping #3035

Show wrong the notification when use clicks on the [Delete Policy] #3037

Show wrong the cost of acc 781 #3052

Policy "Underutilized Lambda function" is inactive #3058

Multi-language FE

3. Cloud Safe

Fix Policy engine

Remove investigate

data-collector-v2 offload for ES

Add API for Dashboard - Portal

CloudSuite One v2.0.1 Release - Jan 17, 2023

ApplicationRelease version
FE & BECloud Expense1.1.6
FE & BEResource & Cloud Safe2.0.1
FE & BECloud Ops1.0.1
FE & BECloud Identity2.0.1

Added features

  1. Cloud expense

Change UI Budget & Alert #2957
Add Remind & Ignore for the hide items #2970
Change UI Underutilized #2977


  1. Cloud Expense

Update Key của 1 số CLoud account do hết hạn Key nên ko collect được Cost
Don't send email when setting email and error download report #2735
Adjust trending #2798

2. Cloud Identity

Fix UI My profile #2983

3. App Resource & Cloud Safe

Fix bug resource #2888

  • Bug collect data của GCP
    Cause: Lost "Serviceaccountname" field to sync Cloud Safe
    Solution: sync Serviceaccountname from Cloud identity to Cloud safe
  • Combine ops + rql api to avoid to create the new queue when viewing the resource detail.

4. Fix bug Multi language All App (FE)

5. Cloud Ops

Wrong the information of Instance on the Ops App #2956
Button [Start/Stop/Restart] is not active #2913
Don't show the Cloud Account when user turns off all instances of this cloud account. #2905
Wrong the Status of Instance on the Virtual Machine #2910

Update ElasticSearch

Upgrade ES from version 7.4 to 7.10 for better connection handling performance

CloudSuite One v2.0.0 Release - January 7, 2023

ApplicationRelease version
FECloud Safe & Resource2.0.0
BECloud Safe & Resource2.0.0
FECloud Expense1.1.5
BECloud Expense1.1.5
FECloud Ops1.0.0
BECloud Ops1.0.0
FECloud Identity2.0.0

Added features

  1. App Resource
  • Change UI sort by change & account filter #2896

2. Cloud Expense

  • Remove budget Daily
  • Remove call API to take Cost

Multi language

Release FE (App Dashboard, Cloud Safe & Resource, Cloud Expense, Cloud Identity)

3. Cloud Ops

  • Instance Control / Scheduler
    Monitor the instance status in interval
    Manually start, stop, reboot instances across multiple vendors (AWS, Azure)
    Schedule start, stop or reboot your instances based on hourly, daily or weekly schedules.
  • Service Catalog
    Create, Manage Infrastructure as a code based template
    Launch, Clean template
    Dynamic / Static template
    Share template or keep it internally
    Support Cloud Formation, Azure Resource Manager, Terraform


All Apps: Error token expired

  1. Cloud Safe
  • Fix Filter Region
  • Fix show account ID not correct
  • Refactor API

2. Cloud Expense

  • Remove budget = Daily & Alert = Forecasted
  • Fix bug Remind & Ignore
  • Fix bug message display

3. Cloud Ops

  • Wrong the action when user clicks on the schedule #2857
  • Don't show the [Select Day] field #2915

CloudSuite One v1.2.3 Release - November 23, 2022

ApplicationRelease version
FECloud Safe & Resource1.2.1
BECloud Safe & Resource1.2.1
FECloud Expense1.1.4
BECloud Expense1.1.4

Added features

  1. Cloud Safe & Resource

  • Change Resource detail
  • Add Tooltip when user hover on Policy Name
  • Add Tooltip when user hover on Policy Name on [Policies Standards] Standard screen #2822
  • Verify if resource detail is matched with AWS/Azure console #2717
  • 2. Dashboard

    • Upgrade UI #2882
    • Top cloud cost consumption by service #2895

    3. Cloud Expense

    • Remove Budget Daily, thêm sort policy icon chuông


    1. Cloud Safe & Resource

    • Display rule content when hovering #2819
    • Display data is lacking in standard #2669
    • Show the wrong action when opening the [IAM] resource #2788
    • Lack of search bar and show wrong the number of components on a page #2730
    • Search error #2829
    • Wrong the information of resource #2690
    • Disk, Image, Instance, Resource Manager, SQL instance, Storage - wrong count #2673

    2. Dashboard

    • Fix bug UI of Dashboard Screen #2897

    3. Cloud Expense

    • Lack of Forecast of the current #2836
    • Show wrong the value of [Recommended actions] on the CloudSuite (Compare with AWS) #2890
    • Fix bug UI #2889

    CloudSuite One v1.1.2 Release - October 24, 2022

    Added features

    1. App Cloud Identity
    • Login via Azure AD
    • Change Policy password When Change password in my profile

    2. App Cloud Expense

    • Change the number of instance ( EC2, RDS, RedShift, Compute, SQL Database, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Database, Compute Engine, SQL, Spanner, Bigtable, Firestore).
    • Remove Resource link Field


    1. Cloud Expense
    • Not refresh data when close popup settting Policy Lambda #2763
    • Distinct the lowercase and uppercase when create Budget Alert #2711
    • Lack of Cloud Account information #2734

    2. Cloud Identity

    • Fix Azure AD
    • Error Delete User
    • Not refresh page when update password successfully #2740
    • Can't add the new user with Azure account #2816

    CloudSuite One v1.1.1 Release - August 18, 2022


    1. Resource
    • Error not open new tab When user view detail resource

    2. Cloud Identity

    • Error token & refresh token #2551
    • Counting the number of limited is incorrect #2659

    3. Cloud Expense

    • Data sometimes count total resource incorrectly #2671
    • Not collect non-compliant resource of policy "Idle GCP Database" #2672
    • Validate Budget name & Tag policy is unique

    CloudSuite One v1.1.0 Release - June 30, 2022

    Added Features

    1. App Dashboard

  • Overview Total resource, Compliance Resource & Cost of cloud account
  • 2. App Cloud Identity

    • Cloud Account - support multiapp selecting
    • Permission/ roles by BU
    • Centralized permission for all apps
    • Package status displaying in user profile

    3. App Cloud Expense

    • Cost management:
      • Final update: correct value of Cloud Spending of vendor at 10th every month
      • Budget/Alert by BU
    • Cost optimization: recommendations for cost saving
      • Serverless Tuning policy
      • GCP VM Unused / Underutilized

    4. App Cloud Safe & App Resource

    • Upgrade new policy (200+)
    • Investigate: RQL to query resource on data collector
    • CRUD Policy
    • Application Resource: manage the number of resources of services collector by region/license/resource group/tag


    1. Cloud Identity
    • Lack of member when inviting roles
    • Short life-time token/refresh token

    2. Cloud Expense

    • Trending: separate Actual & Forecast value

    3. Cloud Safe

    • Fix bug UI
    • Incorrect total number of resource in Inventory
    • Filter by security standard
    • Disable by default some policy which is not supported with trade mark
    • Error Edit policy

    CloudSuite One v1.0.0 - September 10, 2021

    Added features

    1. App Cloud Identity

    • Organization structure management: Company/ Cost Center/ BU
    • User managements: by BU
    • Permission/ roles controlled by Company/ Cost center/ BU
    • Cloud account management by Applications and BU (support AWS/Azure/GCP accounts)
    • Audit logging managements

    2. App Cloud Expense

    • Cost management:
      • Dashboard monitor cost by daily, monthly
      • Cost analysis: trending, allocation
      • Billing report: export to pdf
      • Billing alert
    • Cost optimization: recommendations for cost saving
      • Cost optimization policies: allow enabled/ disabled any policies
      • Finding the un-optimize resource: such as underutilized or recommend change to Reserved instances
    • Tagging policies:
      • Tagging policies compliances
      • Tag mapping control: allow sync tags
    • Support AWS/Azure/GCP accounts.

    3. App Cloud Safe

    • Tenant management
    • Tenant resource management (BU, Cost Center, Cloud Account, Workload, Expense, Service)
    • User management
    • Service management
    • Alert and automatic deactivate on expired or over limit service

    4. Cloud Ops

    Service CatalogInstance Control, Instance Scheduler

    • Instance Control / Scheduler
      • Monitor the instance status in interval
      • Manually start, stop, reboot instances across multiple vendors (AWS, Azure, GCP)
      • Schedule start, stop or reboot your instances based on hourly, daily or weekly schedules.
    • Service Catalog
      • Create, Manage Infrastructure as a code based template
      • Launch, Clean template
      • Dynamic / Static template
      • Share template or keep it internally
      • Support Cloud Formation, Azure Resource Manager, Terraform.

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