This article gives you the quick guideline to use Cloud Expense for the first time you access to the system.
To get started with Cloud Expense, you need to register the cloud accounts. These cloud accounts help fetch the details for resource, cost, and spend usage from the cloud services accounts to the CloudSuite dashboard.
Once you create and register cloud accounts successfully, it takes about 1-6 hours to scan, then give you the cost visibility and recommend unused, underutilized resource to optimize.
To get started with Cost module:
1. Cost dashboard: Track resource usage and manage costs across all your clouds with a single, unified view, and access rich operational and financial insights to make informed decisions.
2. Set up budget & alert: trigger alerts to inform you of how your usage costs are trending over time.
3. Set up tag mapping: configure your dimensions for viewing in cost allocation by specific tags
4. View unused & underutilized resources: list of unoptimized resource and list of actions to resolve
5. RI features (optional): activate RI recommendation features which gives you the list of RI recommendation across cloud vendors.
6. Set up tag policy: standardize tags across resources in your organization's accounts.
Key Features:
Billing and Cost Management, Optimization
There are 03 major features:
- Cost Management
- Cost Management Dashboard
- Co-allocation (Tagging resource cost)
- Budgeting & Alert
- Trending & Forecast
- Billing report
- Cost Optimization (40+)
- Tag Compliance