Ensure that all your AWS Redshift Reserved Nodes (RN) have corresponding database nodes running within the same account or within any AWS accounts members of an AWS Organization (if there is one created). A corresponding database node is a running Redshift node that matches the reservation parameters such as Region and Node Type.Read More
Identify any Amazon Redshift clusters that appear to be underutilized and downsize them to help lower the cost of your monthly AWS bill. By default, an AWS Redshift cluster is considered underutilized when matches the criterias: The average CPU utilization has been less than 60% for the last 7 days and the total number of...Read More
Identify any Amazon Redshift clusters that appear to be idle and delete them. By default, a Redshift cluster is considered 'idle' when meets the following criteria (to declare the cluster 'idle' both conditions must be true): The average number of database connections has been less than 1 for the last 7 days and The total...Read More